TLC Nominations

Nominations are now open for the Abilene Education Foundation’s Teachers in the Limelight Celebration (TLC). Please use the following link to nominate outstanding math, science, and fine arts teachers, coaches, and counselors. Nominations will be taken until 9:00 am on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.
Nominate Here
A TLC teacher…
– possesses integrity and a love for teaching that spills into the classroom
– implements a motivational strategy in the classroom that encourages students’ desire to learn
– draw upon tried and true methods of teaching, but still willing to be open to new ideas
– actively participates as part of the campus team and gives positive energy towards the goals set forth by the campus
Who can nominate?
Anyone! Nominations will be accepted from administrators, parents, fellow teachers, students (current or former), and community members.
Who can be nominated?
Math & Science: Eligible nominees are certified teachers who teach at least one qualified High School math or science course to students in 8th – 12th grade.
Fine Arts: Eligible nominees are certified teachers whose primary subject is in the field of fine arts. Elementary and secondary teachers are eligible to be nominated.
Coach: Eligible nominees are certified teachers whose campus duties include coaching responsibility for at least one UIL sport.
Counselor: Eligible nominees are certified counselors whose primary duties are serving in counseling services. All counselors are eligible to be nominated.
The Awards
Math & Science:
6 Math and 5 Science finalists will be chosen, and each will receive $500
From the finalists, an appointed committee will select one math teacher and one science teacher as the recipients of the Edwin and Agnes Jennings Teaching Excellence Awards for Math and Science Teachers. The two winners will each receive an additional $1,000.
Fine Arts:
One finalist will be chosen from all the nominees. All nominees will be notified about additional letters of recommendation requirements. The finalist will be honored at the dinner and receive a 2025-2026 season subscription to the Abilene Philharmonic and a $1,500 stipend.
Coach and Counselor:
One coach and one counselor finalist will be chosen from all coach and counselor nominees. All nominees will be notified about additional letters of recommendation requirements. The Coach and Counselor finalists will be honored at the dinner and receive a $500 stipend.
Questions? Contact Adam Samuels, AEF Executive Director, at or 325-677-1444 x2616
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